Het is weer zover een nieuwe game is aan Nintendo Music toegevoegd, ditmaal krijgen we de muziek van The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker.
Het wekelijkse muziek momentje van Nintendo is er weer. Vorige week kregen we Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong’s Double Trouble op Nintendo Music en ditmaal vaart The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker naar Nintendo Music. Daarmee worden er wel geteld 133 nummers toegevoegd aan de app!
[Nintendo Music]楽曲追加情報
1月7日(火)追加『スーパードンキーコング 3』
1月14日(火)追加『ゼルダの伝説 風のタクト』https://t.co/WdK9x5LbUg— 任天堂株式会社 (@Nintendo) January 14, 2025
- Title theme
- File Selection
- Legend of the Hero
- Outset Island
- House Theme
- Old Man’s House
- Ways of the Sword
- Beedle’s Shop Ship
- A Monstrous Bird
- Tetra Located
- Outset Island Forest
- Bokoblins Overhead
- Battle Theme
- Meeting Tetra
- Aryll Abducted
- Grandma
- Setting Sail
- Pirates
- Below Deck
- Hatching a Rescue Plan
- Executing the Rescue Plan
- Forsaken Fortress
- The Prisoner
- Reuniting with Aryll
- Meeting the King of Red Lions
- The Tale of Ganon
- Search for a Sail
- Windfall Island
- Potion Shop
- Daybreak
- The Great Sea
- Clash at Sea
- Battle at Sea
- Got a Treasure
- Opening a Treasure Chest
- Important Item Acquired
- Item Acquired
- Dragon Roost Island
- Dragon Roost Cavern
- Intense Battle
- Game Over
- Gohma Appears
- Gohma Battle (First Phase)
- Gohma Battle (Second Phase)
- Boss Defeated
- Heart Container Acquired
- Sacred Gem Acquired
- Wind’s Requiem (Wind Waker)
- Wind’s Requiem
- Melody Learned
- Boat Game
- Boat Game Victory
- Boat Game Failure
- Song of Passing (Wind Waker)
- Song of Passing
- Forest Haven
- Inside the Forest Haven
- Deku Tree in Crisis
- The Deku Tree and Friends
- Forbidden Woods
- Kalle Demos Appears
- Kalle Demos
- Forest Ceremony
- Next Year’s Ceremony
- The Cursed Sea
- Sacred Shine
- Jabun
- THe Tower of the Gods Emerges
- Tower of the Gods
- Command Melody (Wind Waker)
- Gohdan Appears
- Gohdan Battle
- To Hyrule
- Seald Hyrule Castle
- Master Sword acquired
- Hyrule Castle
- Phantom Ganon Battle
- Reunited with Aryll
- Tetra to the Rescue
- Tetra Spies the Sword
- A Short-Lived Reunion
- Confronting the Helmaroc King
- Forksaken Fortress Tower
- Helmaroc King Appears
- Helmaroc King Battle
- Master of the Forsaken Fortress
- The Pirate’s Charm
- The King of Hyrule Appears
- Heir of the Royal Family
- Zelda’s Theme
- Ballad of Gales (Wind Waker)
- Ballad of Gales
- Fairy Fountain
- Fairy Queen
- Dungeon Theme
- Earth God’s Lyric (Wind Waker)
- Sage Laruto
- Medli, the Sage of Earth
- Earth God’s Lyric
- The Temple
- Jalhalla Appears
- Jalhalla Battle
- Medli’s Prayer
- Wind God’s Aria (Wind Waker)
- Sage Fado
- Makar, the Sage of Wind
- Wind God’s Aria
- Wind Temple
- Molgera Appears
- Molgera Battle
- Makar’s Prayer
- Hero of Winds
- Ganon’s Tower
- Gohma Battle, Ganon’s Tower (First Phase)
- Gohma Battle, Ganon’s Tower (Second Phase)
- Kalle Demos Battle, Ganon’s Tower
- Jalhalla Battle, Ganon’s Tower
- Molgera Battle, Ganon’s Tower
- Phantom Ganon’s Maze
- Ganondorf Speaks
- Puppet Ganon (Puppet Form)
- Puppet Ganon Transforms
- Puppet Ganon (Spider Form)
- Puppet Ganon (Snake Form)
- Puppet Ganon’s Demise
- Before the Showdown
- Ganondorf Battle
- Parting Ways
- Ending Theme
- Staff Credits
- Epilogue
- Aryll’s Theme
- Game Demo Theme
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker kwam oorspronkelijk uit op de GameCube in 2002 in Japan en waaide zich naar het Europese vaste land in 2003. 10 jaar later kwam het spel weer uit als een HD-remaster op de Wii U. Fans wachten nog steeds op een heruitgave van de HD-versie op de Nintendo Switch, maar daar is tot op heden nog geen spraken van.
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